Curly Girl Method: Tips For Frizzy Hair

This is the number one question I’m asked during my video Curly Consultation sessions, so I wanted to make a whole post about it. For more information about these consultations, Click Here:

These are my suggestions, and in somewhat of an order I’d recommend trying them. Everyone will have different tips and different orders so it’s up to you how to plan your frizz battle.

First of all a little frizz is totally normal for curly and wavy hair.

1) Are you in transition? If yes, you could def be experiencing frizz.

2) How damaged is your hair? The more damaged it is, the higher the chances you’ll have frizz.

3) Could it be a protein mimicker reaction? Check your products for coconut, aloe, seaweed or sea kelp. Try avoiding them one at a time.

4) Are you in an area with humid weather? Is it summer? Try avoiding glycerin.

5) Are you using too much leave in? If it’s humid or summer, try using less .

6) Are you using enough gel? If it’s humid or summer, try using more gel and/or a harder holding gel.

7) Are you using enough water? Or using too much water? Both can cause frizz.

8) Did you just try a new product? Could be a negative reaction to an ingredient or product. If you suspect this is the case, put the product to the side.

9) Could you be protein sensitive? Try reducing protein or try switching to the smaller proteins, like hydrolyzed silk protein or hydrolyzed keratin protein.

10) How’s your protein moisture balance? Both too much protein and too much moisture can cause frizz.

11) Do you have split ends? Trim them off ASAP! Cut them off to prevent them from traveling up your hair shaft.

12) Could it be buildup? If you’re cowash only, a lo poo might be enough, Apple Cider Vinegar rinse or Lemonade Rinse. If you use lo poo regularly, try a Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse, Lemonade Rinse, or a clarifying shampoo.

13) Could it be an issue with hard water? Try a hard water shampoo.